Not So High Times
If you were planning to head to the Emerald City for the High Times US Cannabis Cup, the Seattle PI has some bad news:
It’s been canceled.
Although High Times has held the event in the Seattle area for the past three years, the implementation of I-502 (Washington’s recreational cannabis program) is making this year’s planned event a no-go.
The reasons involve permits and consumption: High Times wanted a liquor license. The state said no, as a liquor license means that no cannabis can be consumed on site.
Another complication comes from the part of the law that prohibits sampling or selling of cannabis outside of a licensed dispensary.
And if you ARE at those dispensaries, you cannot consume on site.
This may not bode well for High Times‘ Cannabis Cup event scheduled for Portland. In discussing the Seattle event, the publication’s editor-in-chief Dan Skye said the planned event will be held in Portland in early August.
But the event had previously been announced as being held here in July, and there are murmurs of difficulty in finding space to accommodate the needs of the event.
Hmm. If only a local publication would hold something to celebrate legalization in July….
In other Washington and weed news: (also via the Seattle PI):
On Tuesday, the Washington Liquor and Cannabis Board released figures on Washington’s cannabis industry sales. The chart shows sales broken down by category, and reveal that retail sales have steadily increased since cannabis became legal there in July 2014.
Sales started then at just over $2 million, and in April this year, sales hit $24 million. Total sales for all categories combined hit $176 million. The report also shows which Seattle pot shops have the most sales, and lists the total number of retailers, processors, and growers.
With less than 60 days until Oregon goes legal for recreational cannabis use, it’s an interesting view as to how our neighbors to the north are faring with their program.