Few things can put your cannabis use on hold like getting pregnant. (Ironic, seeing as many couples may attribute cannabis use for the pregnancy to begin with.)
Expectant mothers usually forgo cannabis out of caution and concern, but there are exceptions, as it can be effective for some of the side effects of pregnancy, such as vomiting, nausea, and pain.
But in addition to social shaming, pot use during pregnancy in many places could result in losing your child to authorities. (I may sound paranoid here, but do you ever think it’s almost as if the government wants to gain control over what women do with their bodies sometimes? No? Just me?)
But researchers at the University of Washington are now actively seeking pregnant women who are using cannabis for a first-of-its-kind study. Preggo and puff-puff-passing? U of W wants you for its Moms + Marijuana Study.
High Times reports the study specifically will “investigate the possible effects of prenatal cannabis exposure on infants’ cognitive and motor development, their health and their social behavior.”
It will begin with first trimester through birth, then at six months of age, researchers will perform a brain scan to see if the cannabis use has impacted the child’s brain development.
While there has been tremendous research on the effects of the use of alcohol and other drugs during pregnancy, there haven’t been any studies focusing exclusively on cannabis use. Prior studies have looked at women using cannabis along with other intoxicants.
Researchers are looking for 70 participants, with a particular interest in women who are using cannabis to combat the aforementioned pregnancy-related issues such as morning sickness.
Dr. Natalia Kleinhans, co-author of the study told High Times, “This study is targeting a very specific population of women who are using marijuana to manage their symptoms while they’re pregnant.”
Participants will need to report their cannabis usage weekly, only consume products from the licensed marketplace, and upload photos of packaging so researchers can capture potency levels of THC and CBD.
Participants may receive up to $300, which any new mom can use, as babies are very, very expensive.