Corporations suck, and so does corporate cannabis. Buy and get high locally with these stellar Oregon brands. 7 Points Oregon Cannabis The first time I heard of a “veganic growing” method, I thought was being punked for an episode of Portlandia. But the choice to forgo all animal products, such as manure or
Tag: solvent free concentrates
Three New Dab Rigs to Consider
DIY Getting High: Making Cannabis Rosin With John “Green Bodhi” Bayes
(The original title of this piece was "He Hath Rosin", a title I still prefer.) Cannabis concentrates go by many names: shatter, wax, dabs, sweat of Freddie Mercury (no, not really). Oftentimes, concentrates are made by using butane or propane as a solvent to extract THC and terpenes from cannabis, resulting in