Can Alcohol and Opioid Cravings Be Managed With CBD?

With CBD showing up in every damn thing everywhere—if your toothpaste doesn't have CBD in it, you're smiling all wrong—it can be easy to forget that despite the vastly overblown hype, CBD can actually do some amazing things. Two new studies show that CBD may be valuable tool for reducing cravings

Mickey Hart “Mind Your Head” Cannabis Line Launches For Grateful Fans

Celebrity endorsements of cannabis may be irritating (looking at you, then quickly looking away, Post Malone) or deeply offensive (Hell will see you soon enough, John Boehner). Sometimes the relationship between cannabis and public figures seems tenuous at best, leaving consumers to question if the endorser is truly a joker, a

Illegal Cannabis Grows On Federal Lands Down in Oregon, Washington

Among the bad things cannabis prohibition wrought was the environmental damage brought on by illicit growers who secretly set up shop in our big, beautiful national forests. These growers weren't striving for permaculture—no Clean Green organic certification in these operation. In fact, one of the not-so-secret shames of the cannabis industry

He Served A Record 39 Years For Cannabis

Cannabis legalization programs have had the remarkable benefit of motivating cities and counties to begin expunging the records of people who were arrested for possessing or consuming cannabis back in the day, sometimes before there were even medical cannabis programs. You might think that this overdue restorative justice would also include

Florida and Texas Will Jail You for CBD

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty" stands true for all  liberties, and that includes what we put into our bodies. So we kick off this week with a story that serves as a reminder of two truths: Despite the passage of the Farm Bill, CBD is NOT welcome everywhere, and

Las Vegas To Open Cannabis Lounges

Las Vegas has always had a lot to offer, and now Sin City also has the welcome recent addition of access to legal recreational cannabis. But, just like Oregon, there aren't many legal options for consumption of cannabis after it's been acquired. Homeowners may consume in their abode, but with Vegas

The Smoke Trap Keeps Your Smoking Your Business

Back when I was working with bands and touring these here fine United States, one of the biggest concerns was smell. Not so much the rich aromas of a dozen sweaty men with questionable bathing schedules and hygiene habits rolling across endless miles of highways in a submarine with wheels (although

Cannabis Grow Licenses In Oregon May Be Limited

Earlier this year, a state bill to limit new recreational cannabis licenses was defeated, with an argument coming from Republicans that the cannabis industry should be dealt with by the free market like any other commodity. A new bill could change that. Per KTVZ, a Central Oregon NBC affiliate, Senate Bill 218