This has been a scary time for people who vape, and for the companies that make vaping products and equipment. Every day provides more information about what’s happened, and the potential reasons behind this increasingly deadly health crisis. We still don’t have all the answers, but we know more than
Tag: Oregon
Future of the SAFE Act Not Looking So Safe
This year has generated increasing hope that a long-overdue bill for addressing the lack of banking options for cannabis businesses would finally be passed, thus alleviating the hassle, expense, and dangers that come with operating as an all-cash businesses. That solution manifested as the Secure and Fair Enforcement Banking Act, AKA
How To Store Your Cannabis
Vapocalypse 2019: Avoid Illicit Cartridges
We still don’t have all the answers about the recent rash of vaping-related hospitalizations and deaths, but among the information recently emerging is that some of these cases are related to illicit THC cartridges, AKA products from the black market. Such markets thrive in states that do not have a regulated
DEA Hinders Legitimate Cannabis Research
Go ahead and mock my Reynolds-Wrap-hat mentality, but I think there may be a government agency working against the interests of legitimate cannabis research. Is it a conspiracy? Ha ha, no, it’s just the Drug Enforcement Administration, doing what they do best: getting in the way and slowing things down like
Is Oregon’s Oversupply of Cannabis a Myth?
The biggest story about Oregon cannabis in 2019 has been just how much of it we have—by most accounts, a six-year supply. Like a long-forgotten, dried-out joint, this story caught fire quickly, and burned hot. No matter where I traveled in the US this year, whenever someone learned I was from Oregon
Five Cannabis Brands You Should Know
Corporations suck, and so does corporate cannabis. Buy and get high locally with these stellar Oregon brands. 7 Points Oregon Cannabis The first time I heard of a “veganic growing” method, I thought was being punked for an episode of Portlandia. But the choice to forgo all animal products, such as manure or
DA: Massachusetts Mayor Demanded Bribes From Cannabis Industry Applicants
Any cannabis business owner will tell you that among the challenges in establishing and running a business are the numerous opportunities for learning intense patience and developing a buddha-like nature when dealing with city governments. Now, to their credit, cannabis is just as new to governments as it is to the
A Breathalyzer For Cannabis Is Coming
Both cannabis prohibitionists and supporters agree that operating a motor vehicle after consuming cannabis is not a good idea. The “effects of cannabis versus alcohol” argument aside—in which some researchers believe cannabis is safer than alcohol when driving—no one is in favor of intoxicated driving. But what tools are available to
Someone Is Robbing Washington Cannabis Growers
With all the expensive and visually intimidating security equipment and other measures that licensed cannabis producers are required install and maintain, you wouldn't think weed thefts would be a concern. Sun-grown and greenhouse crops are a different story, based on the tens of thousands of square feet they occupy. But indoor?
Federal Cannabis Legalization Still Moving Slowly
This Column Was Written by a Stoned Bot
[COLUMNIST’S NOTE: As a cannabis columnist, I receive endless press releases, emails, and marketing materials relating to new cannabis and hemp products, projects, events, conferences, and expos. I gathered 1,000 of these pieces, and forced a stoned bot to read them and then write the following press releases—because if there’s anything independent
The Cannabis Science Conference Is Returning To Portland
Are you into the science of cannabis? No, for real though—do you bore people to tears with your excited, long-winded ravings abut weed, using fancy 75-cent words? (I don't do that, okay?) Are graphs, charts, and PowerPoint presentations about cannabis what makes you happy? Then it's time to go, get your