Every day, we are afforded the opportunity to make choices, both good and bad. When riding crowded public transit, do we remain in our seat, or offer it to someone who looks like they could use it more? (Offer the seat.) When given too much change by a cashier, do we
Tag: Oregon
Pax Has A Pod For Pride Month
Eat Cannabis Chocolate To Help Babies In Cages
The horrific images of children being taken away from their undocumented parents, assigned numbers, and locked into rows of cages inside of repurposed Walmarts is a new subterranean level of vileness that hasn't been seen in generations. The resulting degree of heartbreak and defeat is nearly immeasurable, leaving good people struggling
A Program To Target Minneapolis Cannabis Users Of Color Has Been Discontinued
While there are legit issues with cannabis here on the West Coast, overall we have it pretty good. Supplies are plentiful, selection is bountiful, and new strains and products are refined and released regularly. And in cities everywhere along the coast, there continues to be discussion and action around the issues
Cannabis and Race Have an Intertwined History of Imperialism
Cannabis history is nearly as long as the history of human civilization, but unlike other agricultural products, the story of this plant has often been shrouded in the dark. This is true especially in America, where cannabis’ legacy has long been connected with our country’s institutionalized racism. It’s time for this to
Give Thanks To Elvy Musikka, Legendary Cannabis Trail (And Joint) Blazer
Elvy Musikka is the stoned grandmother I always wanted, and if you meet her, you’ll feel the same. The OG cannabis activist lives in Eugene, Oregon, and she’s the definition of a firebrand. She’s also something of a rarity in this country—someone who receives cannabis from the federal government, at no
Weed Industry Professionals, Please Stop Doing These Things
When I’m not writing this weekly “weed comedy” column, I’m involved in numerous other aspects of the cannabis industry. It’s a great way to spend long hours making a shocking, depression-inducingly small amount of money, so I strongly encourage all the children reading this to stay in school. And to
Philando Castile, Cannabis and White Privilege
If you say it wasn’t racial When they shot him in his tracks Well, I guess that means that you ain’t black It means that you ain’t black —Drive-By Truckers, “What It Means” We recently passed a terribly sad one-year anniversary on July 6, and I’ve been struggling to frame the tragedy properly. It addresses something
Drive By Truckers: Smoking Out The Set Of A Music Video
I’ve written before about how my work in the music industry often collides with my work in the wide, wide world of weed, in a service I've deemed "Backstage Budtending". Much of it involves gifting musicians and their crew with cannabis and cannabis-infused products, and sharing what I know about which products
High Times and the “World Hemp Expo Extravaganja”: How Not To Throw A Cannabis Festival
High Times magazine and their events are having a rough go of it lately. The all-things-weed publication had to withdraw from Washington and Oregon last year after failing to secure locations for their Cannabis Cup events. And amid numerous complaints and concerns, their annual 4/20 party had to move to a new
The Creative Process With Cannabis: How I Write This Column
Oregon Hemp Convention Wraps Up The Season
If you're like me—and Jah help you if that's the case—you may have what people who play doctors on TV call "Cannabis Event Fatigue." This condition develops when you've spent nearly every weekend this summer inside a chain-hotel ballroom, attending conferences, seminars, expos and gatherings, all revolving around weed. Some were atrociously
Cannabis News: What Happened While You Were Getting High
Three Dispensaries Talk The Coming Of Recreational Cannabis
THERE IS MUCH confusion, hope, and worry over how recreational cannabis will roll out in Oregon. One option being considered is licensing Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) dispensaries for recreational sales. It's a scenario with many advantages, especially because Portland is already conveniently littered with them. In some cases, there are also hidden
The Great Vape Off 2: Electricvapaloo
In the spring Cannabis Issue ["The High Life," April 15], we reviewed a selection of vaporizers using Mercury staff and friends as testers, most of whom are light to moderate smokers ["The Great Vape-Off"]. To switch it up, this time we opted to focus specifically on handheld, cord-free vapes, and selected three