Stoned Streaming: Nicole Atkins “Alone We’re All Together”

Nicole Atkins Nicole Atkins may not be on your radar, but should be. I first got hip to her work through her arresting backing vocals on the title track of J.D. McPherson's stellar last album "Undivided Heart And Soul" . Her own albums are super tight and tuneful, filled with sharp songwriting and her

Drive By Truckers frontmen “quarantine shows” are perfect stoned soundtracks

The Drive By Truckers have achieved a storied, decades long career filled with both critical and commercial success, and aside from some personnel changes in the early years, the constant throughout has been the magic of The Dimmer Twins - co-frontmen Patterson Hood and Mike Cooley. After playing together for some

How Some Musicians Are Using Cannabis

History shows that cannabis gained widespread awareness thanks to jazz musicians from New Orleans who shared it while touring. It even spawned an entire genre of music based around cannabis, known as "Viper Jazz," named so because of the snake-like hissing sound of someone toking on a joint. Louis Armstrong

Welcome To Cannabuzz Columnist

Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping by. I'm excited to be transitioning from newspapers to this platform. (You can read more about the history of Cannabuzz in the "About" section of the site.) I'll continue to offer wide ranging coverage of Cannabis and CBD, although there won't be much about events, or new

Positions of Presidential Candidates on Cannabis

The White House

The Black Mirror-like reality show that is our upcoming presidential election is down to two candidates for the Democratic nomination (one if you believe the national press, though with the COVID-19 crisis upending everything... all bets are off), with the eventual nominee running against the semi-sentient, rotting sack of KFC,

Cannabis Caused an Unwanted 12 Hour Erection

Most of what I put forth in the written word in this space seeks to educate and inform, including calls to action, product reviews, breakthroughs in cannabis research, and legislation pertaining to cannabis reform among other topics. Then, every once in while... not so much. Dear reader, this right here is

Los Angeles Expunges 66,000 Cannabis Convictions

Few things are perfect, and that includes the manner in which legalized adult-use cannabis programs have been regulated. While it’s easy and fun to list all the ways regulatory agencies have, and continue, to screw things up, the good parts include increased access to clean, tested cannabis products, abundant tax

Judging The Oregon High Times Cannabis Cup: Part Two

As a judge for the High Times Oregon Cannabis Cup, I was assigned “vape cartridges” as my product to review. Normally, that would have been great—but in light of what at the time was the still evolving EVALI (E-cigarette Vaping Associated Lung Injury) crisis, naturally I had concerns. A month prior to