Recreational Canadian Cannabis Sales Begin Today

A woman looks out over a lake, mountains and trees, her back is to the camera, and she wears a hat. She is wrapped in a Canadian flag.

Starting today, the poutine-loving, Celine Dion-blasting, hockey-playing, moose-wrestling residents of Canada may now legally purchase cannabis all across their fine country. That's right: It's now legal, nationwide. Which leads me to the question, "Who in Canada would like to marry a cannabis columnist who is seeking to flee the flaming sewer bomb

Cannabuzz: The Week in Cannabis How to Lobby 101

A bored man sits at a desk looking at a laptop

I HAVE GOOD NEWS! Today we're going to explore how you can shatter the myth of the lazy, unmotivated, forgetful stoner and defend cannabis consumers everywhere. And you can do it while stoned and sitting down! Plus, you can sit down! Wait...what? I also have not-so-good news! It's going to involve taking time out