Any cannabis business owner will tell you that among the challenges in establishing and running a business are the numerous opportunities for learning intense patience and developing a buddha-like nature when dealing with city governments. Now, to their credit, cannabis is just as new to governments as it is to the
Tag: Joshua Taylor
A Breathalyzer For Cannabis Is Coming
Both cannabis prohibitionists and supporters agree that operating a motor vehicle after consuming cannabis is not a good idea. The “effects of cannabis versus alcohol” argument aside—in which some researchers believe cannabis is safer than alcohol when driving—no one is in favor of intoxicated driving. But what tools are available to
Someone Is Robbing Washington Cannabis Growers
With all the expensive and visually intimidating security equipment and other measures that licensed cannabis producers are required install and maintain, you wouldn't think weed thefts would be a concern. Sun-grown and greenhouse crops are a different story, based on the tens of thousands of square feet they occupy. But indoor?
Federal Cannabis Legalization Still Moving Slowly
This Column Was Written by a Stoned Bot
[COLUMNIST’S NOTE: As a cannabis columnist, I receive endless press releases, emails, and marketing materials relating to new cannabis and hemp products, projects, events, conferences, and expos. I gathered 1,000 of these pieces, and forced a stoned bot to read them and then write the following press releases—because if there’s anything independent
The Cannabis Science Conference Is Returning To Portland
Are you into the science of cannabis? No, for real though—do you bore people to tears with your excited, long-winded ravings abut weed, using fancy 75-cent words? (I don't do that, okay?) Are graphs, charts, and PowerPoint presentations about cannabis what makes you happy? Then it's time to go, get your
Vaping Crisis Update, and Don’t Fuck With Fake Cartridges
Women Executives In Cannabis Outpaces Other Industries
Florida Having Issues With Cannabis Enforcement, Because Science
Portland’s Cannabis Policy Oversight Team Wants YOU
Cannabis May Have Ability To Kill Cancer Cells
Through reports and anecdotal evidence, cannabis has been touted to offer benefits to those dealing with cancer, and to alleviate the side effects of cancer treatment. The reduction of anxiety, nausea, pain, and loss of appetite make cannabis a seeming wonder drug that many caregivers will attest to all day long. A
Checking Out Colorado’s Cannabis Scene
I just returned from Colorado, where I explored a (very small) portion of the Denver cannabis scene. My schedule and budget didn't permit extensive sampling, so in no way should this serve as a comprehensive picture of what's available in the Mile High City, but I thought the differences between Colorado's and
The Right Continues To Blame Cannabis for…Everything
Cannabis Convictions In Washington State Are Being Expunged
If you were unlucky enough to be convicted for misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor cannabis offenses in Washington State prior to cannabis being legalized, well, that really sucks, and I'm sorry. The vile absurdity of how we treat those who partook of weed before it became a taxed and regulated commodity remains