On Wednesday morning, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board revealed that they had just completed "compliance checks" to make recreational dispensaries were only selling to canna-consumers aged 21 and over. These checks, the first ones performed, were held in Western Washington, and involved 22 recreational cannabis shops. So, how
Tag: Joshua Taylor
Better Sex Through THC
Did Cannabis Candies Kill 12 at Coachella? D.A.R.E Got Played And Said So
Washington State Cannabis News Update
Who Gets High at Work, And On What? Why Your Fast Food Order Is Frequently Wrong.
VIA TREATMENT4ADDICTION.COM (The original title of this was "Baristas and Bumps: The Drugs We Do, by Profession", but because Google is my God, I had to change it. It's my preferred title.) A new study from treatment4addiction.com (did Prince name them? Was "2many8balls4U.org" taken?) examines drug use by profession. According to the
The Feds Want To Hook You Up With Fat Sacks Of Cannabis! Uh Oh….
What is “420”, and Why?
Dabcathalon: This Was A Very Bad Idea
Ah, the mighty Decathlon. The name comes from the Greek words for "10" and "feat," and Olympians from around the planet gather every four years to partake in the competition that many deem to be the greatest challenge for any elite athlete. But fuck that. We decided to undertake an athletic feat that
Five Cannabis Vaporizers Reviewed By Five Stoners
Fans of cannabis everywhere have embraced the vaporizer. These devices warm finely ground cannabis just enough to release THC and other cannabinoids into a shower steam-like vapor. Because you're not burning the plant matter, there is no smoke to irritate the throat, bring on a coughing fit, or stink up
Cannabis Soon May No Longer Be Considered Worse Than Meth
"WHEN THE PEOPLE lead, the leaders will follow."—Gandhi With Congress' approval rating at about 16 percent, it's hard to believe there's anything positive emanating from our esteemed leaders in DC—especially if one has an interest in cannabis, personal or business-wise. But some recent changes give us hope. Cannabis is listed as a
Cannabis Ice Cream, Meet My Mouth
Two Days At The Oregon Medical Marijuana Business Conference
Cannabis and March Madness: How Cannabis Can Get You Through the Month
IT'S MARCH MADNESS! Even if you don't follow much sportsball, there's a good chance you're participating in some type of office bracket, or you're going to watch because your school made the cut. And perhaps you're thinking, "What would make this even better?" (To which I answer, "Turn off the TV, and
Georgia Okays Cannabis For Medical Use…Sort Of
Today in Atlanta, Georgia Republican Governor Nathan Deal signed a medical marijuana bill into law that allows individuals to posses up to 20 ounces of cannabis oil to treat eight medical conditions, including late stage cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, and seizure disorders. This is AWESOME, except it's really not.
Critters And Cannabis: Bambi Likes Bud
While we all have our differences, we can agree on a few things: The world needs more love and respect, American Idol has produced an excessive number of godawful karaoke shout-singers and pets are super great. Especially yours, because who's a good little buddy? But when it comes to cannabis, we don't always