Oregon Medical Cannabis Patients See Purchase Limits Deeply Reduced

A close up photo of an immature cannabis plant

On Thursday, the OLCC passed a temporary rule which radically changed, without warning, the amount of flower that an Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) patient may purchase. Previously, an OMMP patient or caregiver could purchase up to 24 ounces per day from a dispensary. Beginning today, Friday, August 24, that amount

DEA Says Term “Cannabis” Is Out, New Term is “Dinkie Dow”

Dictionary opened up to the word "dictionary"

Hey, you’re cool, right? You have a hip haircut, on-point non-prescription glasses, a wardrobe that’s trailblazing without being too Donner Party, and your apps are all beta. You and your squad are certainly “down” and “woke” about “what” is “up,” and that includes the nicknames you use for cannabis. I mean, there’s “weed,” “cheeba cheeba,” “pot,”

A Program To Target Minneapolis Cannabis Users Of Color Has Been Discontinued

The face of a young black man is shown in a black and white photo

While there are legit issues with cannabis here on the West Coast, overall we have it pretty good. Supplies are plentiful, selection is bountiful, and new strains and products are refined and released regularly. And in cities everywhere along the coast, there continues to be discussion and action around the issues

Cannabis and Race Have an Intertwined History of Imperialism

A black man and woman sit in front of a tree facing the camera

Cannabis history is nearly as long as the history of human civilization, but unlike other agricultural products, the story of this plant has often been shrouded in the dark. This is true especially in America, where cannabis’ legacy has long been connected with our country’s institutionalized racism. It’s time for this to

Women’s (Cannabis) History Deserves It’s Own Month

March is Women’s History Month, or as disgraced former President Trump once called it, “The who what now? Really? A whole month, huh?” Women’s contributions to cannabis—past and present—have been (brace yourself) overlooked, ignored, and forgotten. This is a plant that 99.5 percent of us actively seek out in its female

Give Thanks To Elvy Musikka, Legendary Cannabis Trail (And Joint) Blazer

Elvy Musikka is the stoned grandmother I always wanted, and if you meet her, you’ll feel the same. The OG cannabis activist lives in Eugene, Oregon, and she’s the definition of a firebrand. She’s also something of a rarity in this country—someone who receives cannabis from the federal government, at no

Why is 4/20 a “Cannabis Holiday”?

A cannabis cafe in the Netherlands with a neon sigh reading Coffeeshop Reefer

Happy high holy day holiday! Even the most numeric challenged mathlete among us knows that 4/20 is Stoner Christmas, Puff Puff Passover, and Kwanzaa Kush Day rolled into one special day or dispensary discounts and comically large joints. But why 4/20? What mystical connection does this number have to cannabis? Grab a mop