Cannabis Loses in the Legislature

In 2019, optimism was in short supply no matter the subject, save cannabis. Numerous blogs, columns, and discussions revolved around how this was the year things were going to change, with many adding that 2020 would see full scale federal legalization. It’s all happening now, people! Except it didn’t, and likely

Is High Times On It’s Way Out?

I recently wrote about how the cannabis industry has been rocked by losses and layoffs in 2019, and this troubling news hasn’t been strictly limited to growers, producers, delivery services, and dispensaries. Last week brought the news that cannabis media organizations are being hit hard, and one of the giants

Medical Cannabis in Oklahoma is Big Business

There's a great deal of justified concerns and complaints regarding how the implementation of Oregon’s recreational cannabis plan decimated the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) , the state’s long running medical cannabis system. It’s resulted in fewer growers for patients, increased regulations and expense for those remaining OMMP growers, and

Med Men Mocked For Being Integrity Free Cannabis Bro-wers

Know Your Bro-wer

I’ve recently written about the downward trend in cannabis stocks, looking primarily at Canadian cannabis companies. The amount invested into their brands is literally in the billions of dollars—staggering amounts for the average cannabis brand. My favorite cannabis brands are craft cannabis, and like most craft commodities, that means the owners

L.A’s Cannabis Licensing Process for Social Equity Applicants Called Out as Fiasco

A crucial component of any medical or recreational cannabis program should be the concept of “social equity.” Much like the terms “organic,” “natural,” and “social media influencer,” it can be overused and void of any real meaning, but in general, social equity in cannabis is the idea that support and preference