Legally Growing Your Own Cannabis? You’ll Need Two Things You Can’t (Yet) Buy.

a small cannabis plant

Have you heard? Cannabis is now legal in Oregon for adults 21 and older! I know, it's pretty great. And provided you live at least 1,000 feet away from a school, you may grow up to four plants. Which is also pretty great. Considering this is a state that encourages its residents

Three Dispensaries Talk The Coming Of Recreational Cannabis

A close up photo of an immature cannabis plant

THERE IS MUCH confusion, hope, and worry over how recreational cannabis will roll out in Oregon. One option being considered is licensing Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) dispensaries for recreational sales. It's a scenario with many advantages, especially because Portland is already conveniently littered with them. In some cases, there are also hidden

DIY Getting High: Making Cannabis Rosin With John “Green Bodhi” Bayes

A jar of cannabis buds sits next to a hair straightening iron and some parchment paper

(The original title of this piece was "He Hath Rosin", a title I still prefer.) Cannabis concentrates go by many names: shatter, wax, dabs, sweat of Freddie Mercury (no, not really). Oftentimes, concentrates are made by using butane or propane as a solvent to extract THC and terpenes from cannabis, resulting in

Cannabuzz: The Week in Cannabis Cannabis Confusion in the Capital

A yellow highway sign reads "Questions Answers"

This week, I'm going to fail you as a cannabis columnist. This is not to say I have accepted a god that frowns upon using a plant that said deity itself created. Nor does it mean the title of this column has changed to "Cokebuzz, the Week in Cocaine News!" ("As part

Washington Cannabis Dispensaries Fail ID Compliance Check

Seattle at sunset

On Wednesday morning, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board revealed that they had just completed "compliance checks" to make recreational dispensaries were only selling to canna-consumers aged 21 and over. These checks, the first ones performed, were held in Western Washington, and involved 22 recreational cannabis shops. So, how

Better Sex Through THC

a woman in underwear in lying on a bed

TODAY'S COLUMN is about cannabis and copulation. Really? Yep. Now, my mother reads this (hi Mom!), so let's try and be adults. So... ahem... how do these two things go together? For many people, stress can be a prime killer of bang-bang sexy times. And as we all know, smoking or vaping

Who Gets High at Work, And On What? Why Your Fast Food Order Is Frequently Wrong.

VIA TREATMENT4ADDICTION.COM (The original title of this was "Baristas and Bumps: The Drugs We Do, by Profession", but because Google is my God, I had to change it. It's my preferred title.) A new study from (did Prince name them? Was "" taken?) examines drug use by profession. According to the

The Feds Want To Hook You Up With Fat Sacks Of Cannabis! Uh Oh….

A sitting clown gives the thumbs up sign wearing a US flag hat

TRUE OR FALSE? The federal government grows cannabis, and it wants to sell you some. True. But before you go asking for some sweet "Uncle Sam OG" at your local dispensary, hang tight. It won't be worth your time. Last month, the good people at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (or NIDA,