Majority of Cannabis Ballot Measures Pass

A scattering of small round stickers reading "I voted" lay on a white table

Last night we saw (thank god) a Blue Wave. And as primary-school finger painting taught me, you can't make green without blue—and there was also a Green Wave last night as well. As I wrote yesterday, four states had cannabis-related measures on the ballot—two with medical programs (Missouri and Utah), and

Recreational Canadian Cannabis Sales Begin Today

A woman looks out over a lake, mountains and trees, her back is to the camera, and she wears a hat. She is wrapped in a Canadian flag.

Starting today, the poutine-loving, Celine Dion-blasting, hockey-playing, moose-wrestling residents of Canada may now legally purchase cannabis all across their fine country. That's right: It's now legal, nationwide. Which leads me to the question, "Who in Canada would like to marry a cannabis columnist who is seeking to flee the flaming sewer bomb

Portland To Lower Cannabis Businesses Fees

The Tilikum Crossing Bridge spanning the Willamette River

Licensed cannabis businesses throughout Oregon face numerous challenges—an oversupply has led to continual falling prices, the OLCC has changed packaging requirements yet again, and no one can get a goddamn bank account. But in Portland, there's about to be some relief, and it's just the first step of an ongoing effort. Brandon

Oregon Medical Cannabis Patients See Purchase Limits Deeply Reduced

A close up photo of an immature cannabis plant

On Thursday, the OLCC passed a temporary rule which radically changed, without warning, the amount of flower that an Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) patient may purchase. Previously, an OMMP patient or caregiver could purchase up to 24 ounces per day from a dispensary. Beginning today, Friday, August 24, that amount

DEA Says Term “Cannabis” Is Out, New Term is “Dinkie Dow”

Dictionary opened up to the word "dictionary"

Hey, you’re cool, right? You have a hip haircut, on-point non-prescription glasses, a wardrobe that’s trailblazing without being too Donner Party, and your apps are all beta. You and your squad are certainly “down” and “woke” about “what” is “up,” and that includes the nicknames you use for cannabis. I mean, there’s “weed,” “cheeba cheeba,” “pot,”