Cannabis Is Now Legal In Oregon. What’s Next May Not Work For Everyone.

An image of a cannabis leaf superimposed over an outline of the State of Oregon

NOW THAT Measure 91 has passed, it's worth examining the fresh challenges awaiting those in the cannabis industry. First, consider that this is an industry started and developed by outlaws. These are people who have spent years, if not decades, working and living in the shadows. Because of their source of income, most

Dispensary Don’ts: Cue The Cannabis Clowns

A woman dressed as a clown holds a large piece of paper

A COMMON MISPERCEPTION among my friends is that, as your cannabis columnist, I have a never-ending supply of High Times pot-porn centerfold-quality buds, concentrates, and edibles, all free and provided by smiling growers who have hand-tended each and every plant with the love one would show to a firstborn. Not exactly. While

A Short Glossary Of Cannabis Terminology

A dictionary is open to the word dictionary, with a yellow tassel bookmark laying across the page

AS RECREATIONAL cannabis stores in Washington State open this month, a new demographic emerges: the clueless-but-cannabis-curious. If you still use the term "doobie" and are flummoxed by the endless array of newfangled acronyms and terminologies, get with the now, hippie. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)—There are over 400 chemical compounds in cannabis, with more

(From 2014) Meet New Approach Oregon, Organizers Behind The Cannabis Legalization Ballot Measure

A close up shot of a cannabijuan leaf on a bushy cannabis plant.

I SPOKE with Peter Zuckerman, communications director for New Approach Oregon (, whose marijuana ballot initiative qualified last month for the November ballot. I asked him to break down exactly how the measure, if passed, would work. "Treating marijuana as a crime has failed," he says.  "Instead of letting the current

Some Cannabis Terms Demystified

an open dictionary

If you have visited a medical cannabis dispensary in Oregon, or if you've checked out the recently opened recreational stores in Washington, you've noticed the labels that list THC and CBD content—along with CBN, and any residual pesticides, molds, mildews, or other horrible things that you don't want to ingest. Where