There's a good chance you're as tired of reading about Oregon's cannabis oversupply as I am about writing about it. Then again, oversupply equals lower prices, so perhaps partaking of those readily available $7 to $10 grams of BHO before reading my coverage are making it a less arduous undertaking. Win/win. Taking
Tag: 420 news
Give the FDA Your Thoughts On Cannabis
Cannabis Doesn’t Make You Cool, and Billa Is Proof
I'm a strong believer that cannabis can serve as a tool to build community, foster closeness, heighten intimacy, and forge opportunities for developing and maintaining friendships. It's a great way to bridge differences and find commonalities, gain insight to the viewpoints of others, and expand perspectives of our communities. I send
Canadian Cannabis Update
Let’s check in on how Canada’s doing with its national legalization of cannabis, four months in. It’s the largest cannabis legalization program ever undertaken, and even though Americans do terribly in learning from other countries (or from history), perhaps we can buck that trend and take away some insight from the
Baltimore To Cease Charging For Cannabis Possession
Marilyn Mosby, state's attorney for Baltimore, made a major policy announcement this week concerning cannabis laws. The new policies will potentially impact thousands of lives, primarily those of people of color, and her plans are something all cities should be considering, regardless of state cannabis policy. As reported by the New
California Legalizes Statewide Cannabis Deliveries
When California implemented their legalized recreational cannabis program, one thing that wasn't worked out was the possibility of home delivery service. The convenience factor of having a wide variety of lab-tested cannabis products brought to your home, allowing you to forgo leaving the damn house, is one of the marvels of
Does Legalized Cannabis Increase Illegal Imports?
It’s gearing up to be a banner year for legalized weed, but that doesn’t mean we can ease up on fighting prohibitionists. That means it’s time for another installment of our series “Prohibition Arguments, Cannalyzed™”—in which we dissect stupid anti-cannabis arguments by using words and common sense. Here’s a favorite one
Blumenauer Introduces Bill to Regulate Cannabis On Par With Alcohol
Representative Earl Blumenauer, US congressman for the 3rd district of Oregon, introduced a new congressional bill last week, H.R. 420. (Yes, it's actually numbered 420, and that's on purpose.) The bill seeks to support research for faster bong-cleaning systems, address chronic cotton mouth, and provide financial support for businesses to use
Disabled Senior Evicted For Cannabis Use in Buffalo
Last month, John Flickner, a 78-year-old man in a wheelchair, was evicted from his Buffalo, New York, HUD low-income housing apartment because of cannabis. Not for growing or selling it, but because he was using it to treat chronic pain from a 50-year-old skydiving injury. It's extremely rare that someone obtains a
Washington State May Expunge Cannabis Offenses
Mike Tyson Throwing a Weed And Music Fest
Coachella lineup got you down? Well, you may have another reason to trek to the desert. Mike Tyson, former heavyweight champion of the world (and arguably one of the funnier bit players in The Hangover), announced last year he was opening a "cannabis resort" in the California Desert. I wrote about that
Beer Makers Begin Investment In Cannabis
The company that makes an inexplicably popular beer that gives me cringe shivers when I choke it down because it tastes so bad has made a joint $100 million investment to find a way to make THC- and CBD-infused beverages. The industry that contributed untold dollars to prohibitionist efforts has now
Canadian Cannabis Industry Sees Big Investment from Big Tobacco
In "news that is sure to thrill Canadian (and potentially global) consumers of both cannabis and tobacco," Marijuana Business Daily reported last week that Big Tobacco has made its largest investment to date into North American cannabis. This news validates the crazy conspiracy theories of your stoner buddy in college who
Cannabis Is Now Legal In Oregon. What’s Next May Not Work For Everyone.
NOW THAT Measure 91 has passed, it's worth examining the fresh challenges awaiting those in the cannabis industry. First, consider that this is an industry started and developed by outlaws. These are people who have spent years, if not decades, working and living in the shadows. Because of their source of income, most