Alcohol Deaths On the Rise, as Cannabis Slows Alcohol Sales

There’s been a recent flurry of news stories regarding how establishing a regulated cannabis program impacts the sale and use of alcohol. And there’s also a number of stories about how alcohol abuse is on the rise in some sectors, while on the decline in others. Let’s start with a look

Cannabis Loses in the Legislature

In 2019, optimism was in short supply no matter the subject, save cannabis. Numerous blogs, columns, and discussions revolved around how this was the year things were going to change, with many adding that 2020 would see full scale federal legalization. It’s all happening now, people! Except it didn’t, and likely

Is High Times On It’s Way Out?

I recently wrote about how the cannabis industry has been rocked by losses and layoffs in 2019, and this troubling news hasn’t been strictly limited to growers, producers, delivery services, and dispensaries. Last week brought the news that cannabis media organizations are being hit hard, and one of the giants

Vapocalypse 2019: Avoid Illicit Cartridges

We still don’t have all the answers about the recent rash of vaping-related hospitalizations and deaths, but among the information recently emerging is that some of these cases are related to illicit THC cartridges, AKA products from the black market. Such markets thrive in states that do not have a regulated

3 Pounds Of Cannabis Results in Life Sentence

Legalized cannabis programs have generated tax revenue and created jobs, and have also moved cities and counties to implement expungement programs to remove previous cannabis-related arrests and convictions. But these programs only go so far, and there are still those who may not be eligible for expungement but deserve their freedom. Should

An Exclusive Interview with Phylos Bioscience CEO Mowgli Holmes

On May 10, 2019 I sat down with Phylos Bioscience CEO Mowgli Holmes and Phylos Director of Marketing Paige Hewlett for an interview. I wanted to talk about the negative response from the cannabis community to Phylos' announcement that they would be entering the cannabis breeding business. You can read more about

Mickey Hart “Mind Your Head” Cannabis Line Launches For Grateful Fans

Celebrity endorsements of cannabis may be irritating (looking at you, then quickly looking away, Post Malone) or deeply offensive (Hell will see you soon enough, John Boehner). Sometimes the relationship between cannabis and public figures seems tenuous at best, leaving consumers to question if the endorser is truly a joker, a

Illegal Cannabis Grows On Federal Lands Down in Oregon, Washington

Among the bad things cannabis prohibition wrought was the environmental damage brought on by illicit growers who secretly set up shop in our big, beautiful national forests. These growers weren't striving for permaculture—no Clean Green organic certification in these operation. In fact, one of the not-so-secret shames of the cannabis industry