A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how hemp flower is being sold in Oklahoma as “legal weed,” and is being smoked by people who in all likelihood would much rather have access to something with a greater amount of THC than 0.3 percent. I’m an advocate for consumers not playing the THC numbers-chasing game, but come on—0.3 percent?
I was under the impression that Oklahoma was the only place with such an offering, but—as is often the case—I was wrong.
It turns out that there is an entire country that’s smoking something called “EasyJoint,” and it makes the local $1 pre-rolls made from trim room floor sweepings look pretty good.
High Times shares the story of how Luca Marola, an Italian cannabis activist, author, and owner of one of Italy’s oldest grow stores, came up with the concept of EasyJoint, which is sold as a “collector’s item,” wink wink nudge nudge.
“Collectors” of nearly-zero-THC joints are seemingly widespread throughout the boot-shaped country, as these things are available for purchase in 11 EasyJoint stores and more than 300 other retail outlets.
Italy has always taken a dim view of cannabis—until a court ruling in 2014 determined otherwise, the possession of cannabis was considered on par with the possession of cocaine and heroin.
Italy has had a medical program in place since 2006 for a narrow selection of chronic conditions, but otherwise any cannabis with 0.5 percent THC or greater is considered a narcotic substance.
EasyJoint works around that by producing flower that never is higher than 0.2 percent THC, insuring their customers are also never higher than 0.2 percent more than they were before they sparked up.
The product is rightfully referred to as “cannabis light,” and has helped raise change on conversation regarding cannabis. “We give people the possibility to learn about cannabis’ benefits,” Marola tells High Times. “We’ve created an approach, a chance to interact with the flower without breaking the law.”
Canadian investment firm LGC Capital, which makes numerous investments into the cannabis industry, announced they are taking a 47 percent ownership stake in EasyJoint, with plans to import EasyJoint products to Canada.
As one economist predicts, “Thanks to the large investment made by LGC Capital, EasyJoint will be able to expand towards new segments of the market, such as food, cosmetics, concentrates and geographically expand perhaps on international level.”