Georgia Okays Cannabis For Medical Use…Sort Of

The word Atlanta is seen painted on a wall

Today in Atlanta, Georgia Republican Governor Nathan Deal signed a medical marijuana bill into law that allows individuals to posses up to 20 ounces of cannabis oil to treat eight medical conditions, including late stage cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, and seizure disorders. This is AWESOME, except it's really not.

Oregon Ducks and Doobies: When Cannabis Meets Collegiate Sports

I DON'T CARE much about sports. I completely understand those who do, bless their hearts, but sports have never held much appeal for me. When cannabis gets involved, however, any form of sportsball has my attention. I'm writing this the morning after the Oregon Ducks lost to Ohio State. Some of my Duck-centric

Cannabis Concentrates 101: What’s A Dab, And Do You Need One?

A man in a parka and ball cap reading Swag does "The Dab" move

Dabbing is hot right now. Flip through an issue of High Times, and you'll find full-page ads for dabbing tools and "the purest butane on earth." Maybe you're just curious, or maybe you're seeking the ultimate extreme high—but whether dabs are for you depends on a variety of factors. Dabs are servings of

Cannabis Is Now Legal In Oregon. What’s Next May Not Work For Everyone.

An image of a cannabis leaf superimposed over an outline of the State of Oregon

NOW THAT Measure 91 has passed, it's worth examining the fresh challenges awaiting those in the cannabis industry. First, consider that this is an industry started and developed by outlaws. These are people who have spent years, if not decades, working and living in the shadows. Because of their source of income, most

Can Cannabis Based “Rick Simpson Oil” Treat Cancer?

A pink ribbon representing women's cancer awreness

Most of us know someone who has battled cancer. Words fail to describe what a living nightmare it is for those afflicted, and for those who love them. Over the years, hope has waxed and waned for a cure, and despite the prominence of pink ribbon-embossed clothing, electronics, and buckets of

What Does It Costs To Grow Cannabis? Anyone? Bueller?

Man rolling a joint with zig zag papers

I'm starting to think no one likes me. Not uncommon, but still... I've spoken to at least five people, posted on six sites, and sent 10 emails. My only question: "How much does it cost to grow six indoor cannabis plants, from seed or clone, to completion?" That's an important question, because the

Cannabis Grower Wanted: Must Work For Free

A grow room is filled with numerous blooming cannabis plants

SO, YOU HAVE your Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) card, and you've checked out the local dispensaries. But let's say you want to try a particular strain the dispensaries don't carry, or maybe you want to save some money. In Oregon, you can designate a third party as your grower. There

How Oregon Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Work

Weed's still not legal in Oregon without an Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) card, but as the vote for Measure 91 approaches in November, it's worth examining how our state's legal medical marijuana program currently works for cardholders. Let's say, in theory, you've got your card. When does the state

Getting An Oregon Medical Marijuana Program Card

A green cross with a doctor's staff with snakes

SO YOUR ROOMMATE has this card, and he gets to grow weed and smoke weed and travel with weed, and he can go to these shops that sell weed and buy even more weed. And all he had to do was tell his doctor: "I, like, need weed and stuff." And

Some Cannabis Terms Demystified

an open dictionary

If you have visited a medical cannabis dispensary in Oregon, or if you've checked out the recently opened recreational stores in Washington, you've noticed the labels that list THC and CBD content—along with CBN, and any residual pesticides, molds, mildews, or other horrible things that you don't want to ingest. Where