Last night we saw (thank god) a Blue Wave. And as primary-school finger painting taught me, you can't make green without blue—and there was also a Green Wave last night as well. As I wrote yesterday, four states had cannabis-related measures on the ballot—two with medical programs (Missouri and Utah), and
Medical Cannabis
Recreational Canadian Cannabis Sales Begin Today
Starting today, the poutine-loving, Celine Dion-blasting, hockey-playing, moose-wrestling residents of Canada may now legally purchase cannabis all across their fine country. That's right: It's now legal, nationwide. Which leads me to the question, "Who in Canada would like to marry a cannabis columnist who is seeking to flee the flaming sewer bomb
Oregon Medical Cannabis Patients See Purchase Limits Deeply Reduced
On Thursday, the OLCC passed a temporary rule which radically changed, without warning, the amount of flower that an Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) patient may purchase. Previously, an OMMP patient or caregiver could purchase up to 24 ounces per day from a dispensary. Beginning today, Friday, August 24, that amount
Florida Candidate Loses Wells Fargo Account Over Cannabis Contribution
It's not breaking news that cannabis businesses and the banking industry have a contentious and ugly relationship fueled by paranoia and fear. The vast majority of US banks will neither make loans to, nor open and maintain accounts for, cannabis businesses. Therefore, these businesses are shut out of access to credit and
Florida And Oklahoma Advance Medical Cannabis Programs
A Program To Target Minneapolis Cannabis Users Of Color Has Been Discontinued
While there are legit issues with cannabis here on the West Coast, overall we have it pretty good. Supplies are plentiful, selection is bountiful, and new strains and products are refined and released regularly. And in cities everywhere along the coast, there continues to be discussion and action around the issues
Give Thanks To Elvy Musikka, Legendary Cannabis Trail (And Joint) Blazer
Elvy Musikka is the stoned grandmother I always wanted, and if you meet her, you’ll feel the same. The OG cannabis activist lives in Eugene, Oregon, and she’s the definition of a firebrand. She’s also something of a rarity in this country—someone who receives cannabis from the federal government, at no
Cannabuzz: The Week in Cannabis How to Lobby 101
I HAVE GOOD NEWS! Today we're going to explore how you can shatter the myth of the lazy, unmotivated, forgetful stoner and defend cannabis consumers everywhere. And you can do it while stoned and sitting down! Plus, you can sit down! Wait...what? I also have not-so-good news! It's going to involve taking time out
Legally Growing Your Own Cannabis? You’ll Need Two Things You Can’t (Yet) Buy.
Three Dispensaries Talk The Coming Of Recreational Cannabis
THERE IS MUCH confusion, hope, and worry over how recreational cannabis will roll out in Oregon. One option being considered is licensing Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) dispensaries for recreational sales. It's a scenario with many advantages, especially because Portland is already conveniently littered with them. In some cases, there are also hidden
When Will Oregon Start Recreational Cannabis Sales?
Cannabuzz: The Week in Cannabis Cannabis Confusion in the Capital
The Feds Want To Hook You Up With Fat Sacks Of Cannabis! Uh Oh….
Cannabis Soon May No Longer Be Considered Worse Than Meth
"WHEN THE PEOPLE lead, the leaders will follow."—Gandhi With Congress' approval rating at about 16 percent, it's hard to believe there's anything positive emanating from our esteemed leaders in DC—especially if one has an interest in cannabis, personal or business-wise. But some recent changes give us hope. Cannabis is listed as a