An Exclusive Interview with Phylos Bioscience CEO Mowgli Holmes

On May 10, 2019 I sat down with Phylos Bioscience CEO Mowgli Holmes and Phylos Director of Marketing Paige Hewlett for an interview. I wanted to talk about the negative response from the cannabis community to Phylos' announcement that they would be entering the cannabis breeding business. You can read more about

Can Alcohol and Opioid Cravings Be Managed With CBD?

With CBD showing up in every damn thing everywhere—if your toothpaste doesn't have CBD in it, you're smiling all wrong—it can be easy to forget that despite the vastly overblown hype, CBD can actually do some amazing things. Two new studies show that CBD may be valuable tool for reducing cravings

Florida and Texas Will Jail You for CBD

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty" stands true for all  liberties, and that includes what we put into our bodies. So we kick off this week with a story that serves as a reminder of two truths: Despite the passage of the Farm Bill, CBD is NOT welcome everywhere, and

The FDA Wants to Hear From You on CBD

Since the Farm Bill passed earlier this year—and with it the legalization of hemp—CBD has become the white-hot next big thing, and it's showing up everywhere, in everything. The Food and Drug Administration has begun a crackdown on CBD when added to food and beverages, or whenever health claims are made.

Italian EasyJoints Are Low THC Options For Consumers

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how hemp flower is being sold in Oklahoma as "legal weed," and is being smoked by people who in all likelihood would much rather have access to something with a greater amount of THC than 0.3 percent. I'm an advocate for consumers

Oklahoma Offering Hemp For Sale – Tons Of It

Before Oregon legalized cannabis, and even before the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program was in place, I was an avid consumer of cannabis. A steady supply of high-quality craft cannabis was not always available to me, though, so I was at times reduced to partaking of whatever was available. That meant smoking

Cannabis Caramel Sauce? Yes Please, Now!

Our Discreet Methods for Cannabis Consumption series continues with a new product that I'm giving fair warning on to you now—this stuff is so good, it would be very, very easy to over-consume it. Then again, one person's over-consumption is another's really fantastic four to six hours, so exercise restraint, or

Know Your Grower: Dirty Arm Farm

Today my holiday series of Discreet Cannabis Consumption looks at a new line of sublingual cannabis tinctures from Dirty Arm Farm, producers of tippy-top-shelf extracts which consistently rank as a favorite of dab connoisseurs. The comprehensive care and quality control standards which has gone into making their brand one of the

Hemp To Be Legalized By 2018 Farm Bill

By the time you read this, it's entirely possible that the 2018 Farm Bill will have just passed. That's notable for several reasons, none more so than the provision which would legalize hemp production. This would then radically change the landscape for CBD extracted from hemp, which is the source of

Hana Medicinals: Cannabis Infused Drink Powders Are Next Level Options

Three types of a powdered cannabis beverage are laid out on a wooden table.

The holidays are fast approaching, and over the coming weeks I'm going to be looking at cannabis products and tools which may be used for discreet consumption—for a couple reasons. One, because there isn't always a safe space to spark one up when visiting family or in-laws, and two, not having

The Feds Want To Hook You Up With Fat Sacks Of Cannabis! Uh Oh….

A sitting clown gives the thumbs up sign wearing a US flag hat

TRUE OR FALSE? The federal government grows cannabis, and it wants to sell you some. True. But before you go asking for some sweet "Uncle Sam OG" at your local dispensary, hang tight. It won't be worth your time. Last month, the good people at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (or NIDA,

Georgia Okays Cannabis For Medical Use…Sort Of

The word Atlanta is seen painted on a wall

Today in Atlanta, Georgia Republican Governor Nathan Deal signed a medical marijuana bill into law that allows individuals to posses up to 20 ounces of cannabis oil to treat eight medical conditions, including late stage cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, and seizure disorders. This is AWESOME, except it's really not.

A Short Glossary Of Cannabis Terminology

A dictionary is open to the word dictionary, with a yellow tassel bookmark laying across the page

AS RECREATIONAL cannabis stores in Washington State open this month, a new demographic emerges: the clueless-but-cannabis-curious. If you still use the term "doobie" and are flummoxed by the endless array of newfangled acronyms and terminologies, get with the now, hippie. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)—There are over 400 chemical compounds in cannabis, with more