Today is April 20th, aka 4/20, aka the Highest of Holy Days for cannabis enthusiasts. Numerous OMMP dispensaries will be running specials all day long, so if you have your card, check out the offerings via such awesome apps as Leafly. It's also a great day to remind people why we choose
Cannabis industry
Cannabis Soon May No Longer Be Considered Worse Than Meth
"WHEN THE PEOPLE lead, the leaders will follow."—Gandhi With Congress' approval rating at about 16 percent, it's hard to believe there's anything positive emanating from our esteemed leaders in DC—especially if one has an interest in cannabis, personal or business-wise. But some recent changes give us hope. Cannabis is listed as a
Two Days At The Oregon Medical Marijuana Business Conference
280E Is A Cannabis Tax Code Meant to Kill The Cannabis Industry
Cannabis Is Now Legal In Oregon. What’s Next May Not Work For Everyone.
NOW THAT Measure 91 has passed, it's worth examining the fresh challenges awaiting those in the cannabis industry. First, consider that this is an industry started and developed by outlaws. These are people who have spent years, if not decades, working and living in the shadows. Because of their source of income, most
Dispensary Don’ts: Cue The Cannabis Clowns
A COMMON MISPERCEPTION among my friends is that, as your cannabis columnist, I have a never-ending supply of High Times pot-porn centerfold-quality buds, concentrates, and edibles, all free and provided by smiling growers who have hand-tended each and every plant with the love one would show to a firstborn. Not exactly. While
What Does It Costs To Grow Cannabis? Anyone? Bueller?
Cannabis Grower Wanted: Must Work For Free
Working in Weed: Cannabis Careers Are Coming
MAYBE YOU'VE always wanted a job in the weed industry. Not slinging dime bags to polo-shirted broheims, or hawking hand-blown glass on a dirty blanket in the parking lot of a Dave Matthews concert—but an actual, honest-to-Jah, living-wage job with benefits, paid holidays, and even business cards. Is that even a thing? The
How Oregon Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Work
Weed's still not legal in Oregon without an Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) card, but as the vote for Measure 91 approaches in November, it's worth examining how our state's legal medical marijuana program currently works for cardholders. Let's say, in theory, you've got your card. When does the state
A Short Glossary Of Cannabis Terminology
AS RECREATIONAL cannabis stores in Washington State open this month, a new demographic emerges: the clueless-but-cannabis-curious. If you still use the term "doobie" and are flummoxed by the endless array of newfangled acronyms and terminologies, get with the now, hippie. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)—There are over 400 chemical compounds in cannabis, with more
(From 2014) Meet New Approach Oregon, Organizers Behind The Cannabis Legalization Ballot Measure
I SPOKE with Peter Zuckerman, communications director for New Approach Oregon (, whose marijuana ballot initiative qualified last month for the November ballot. I asked him to break down exactly how the measure, if passed, would work. "Treating marijuana as a crime has failed," he says. "Instead of letting the current
Some Cannabis Terms Demystified
If you have visited a medical cannabis dispensary in Oregon, or if you've checked out the recently opened recreational stores in Washington, you've noticed the labels that list THC and CBD content—along with CBN, and any residual pesticides, molds, mildews, or other horrible things that you don't want to ingest. Where
Dispensary Dispatch: When Washington Began Selling Cannabis
"HEY, EVERYBODY, happy 425! So, uh, yeah, good for you guys!" The nervous thirtysomething man, dressed in his Papa John's finery, thrust out a promotional container of cookie dough from the stack he's struggling to hand out to people in line. "When you're done, um, you know, come see us, okay? Happy