I didn't realize it until I woke up this morning, but was anyone else aware there's an election today? It hasn't been much in the news, and the TV commercials have been few and far between, but I did some digging, called a few sources for confirmation, and sure enough, there
Cannabis industry
Recreational Canadian Cannabis Sales Begin Today
Starting today, the poutine-loving, Celine Dion-blasting, hockey-playing, moose-wrestling residents of Canada may now legally purchase cannabis all across their fine country. That's right: It's now legal, nationwide. Which leads me to the question, "Who in Canada would like to marry a cannabis columnist who is seeking to flee the flaming sewer bomb
Portland To Lower Cannabis Businesses Fees
Licensed cannabis businesses throughout Oregon face numerous challenges—an oversupply has led to continual falling prices, the OLCC has changed packaging requirements yet again, and no one can get a goddamn bank account. But in Portland, there's about to be some relief, and it's just the first step of an ongoing effort. Brandon
Florida And Oklahoma Advance Medical Cannabis Programs
DEA Says Term “Cannabis” Is Out, New Term is “Dinkie Dow”
Hey, you’re cool, right? You have a hip haircut, on-point non-prescription glasses, a wardrobe that’s trailblazing without being too Donner Party, and your apps are all beta. You and your squad are certainly “down” and “woke” about “what” is “up,” and that includes the nicknames you use for cannabis. I mean, there’s “weed,” “cheeba cheeba,” “pot,”
Cannabis By Mail Order? Big mistake.
Eco Firma Farms: Sustainable Cannabis Produced With Lower Costs
I’m checking in again with Jesse Peters, who, along with his wife Kate Guptill, co-founded and operates Eco Firma Farms in Canby, Oregon, out of a former jam-making facility. I’ve talked with Peters for this column before—about CBD oil for pediatric patients, medical growers selling in the recreational system, and other
Weed Industry Professionals, Please Stop Doing These Things
When I’m not writing this weekly “weed comedy” column, I’m involved in numerous other aspects of the cannabis industry. It’s a great way to spend long hours making a shocking, depression-inducingly small amount of money, so I strongly encourage all the children reading this to stay in school. And to
Philando Castile, Cannabis and White Privilege
If you say it wasn’t racial When they shot him in his tracks Well, I guess that means that you ain’t black It means that you ain’t black —Drive-By Truckers, “What It Means” We recently passed a terribly sad one-year anniversary on July 6, and I’ve been struggling to frame the tragedy properly. It addresses something
Cannabuzz: The Week in Cannabis How to Lobby 101
I HAVE GOOD NEWS! Today we're going to explore how you can shatter the myth of the lazy, unmotivated, forgetful stoner and defend cannabis consumers everywhere. And you can do it while stoned and sitting down! Plus, you can sit down! Wait...what? I also have not-so-good news! It's going to involve taking time out
The Creative Process With Cannabis: How I Write This Column
Three Dispensaries Talk The Coming Of Recreational Cannabis
THERE IS MUCH confusion, hope, and worry over how recreational cannabis will roll out in Oregon. One option being considered is licensing Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) dispensaries for recreational sales. It's a scenario with many advantages, especially because Portland is already conveniently littered with them. In some cases, there are also hidden
Cannabuzz: The Week in Cannabis Cannabis Confusion in the Capital
Washington Cannabis Dispensaries Fail ID Compliance Check
On Wednesday morning, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board revealed that they had just completed "compliance checks" to make recreational dispensaries were only selling to canna-consumers aged 21 and over. These checks, the first ones performed, were held in Western Washington, and involved 22 recreational cannabis shops. So, how