Can Cannabis Prevent and/or Treat COVID-19?

A mural of the character Spock from Star Trek has a surgical mask someone has attached which is fluttering in the breeze.

A recent study has many asking if cannabis may be useable in the prevention, treatment, or as a cure for COVID-19. Before anyone gets too excited, let's explore if cannabis is truly a Super Silver Haze bullet against the pandemic. The buzz about this leads back to a study performed

Cannabis During COVID-19: Is It An “Essential” service?

When COVID-19 began to spread and businesses started shutting down, the question arose if dispensaries were going to be considered an "essential service". For the well being of myself and those within strangling distance of me, yes, it's a super essential service, and it behoves us all to keep that

The “Cannabis During COVID-19” Chronicles

I last wrote about the virus on March 9, 2020. Six days later, the newspapers carrying my column lost 90% of their revenue, and I lost 100% of my syndicated column. At that time, Governor Kate Brown declared a statewide State of Emergency the night before, and the scope of

Four Oregon Craft Cannabis Brands Who Set The Bar


There are thousands of growers, edible makers, and concentrate processors in Oregon. And although I partake of a great deal of cannabis in many forms, despite my best efforts, I haven’t tried everything, and new products drop all the time. So while this is not a comprehensive list of the majesty

COVID-19 and Cannabis

As we make our way into a new chapter in “End of Days: Death By Stupidity Edition,” it's worth taking a moment to consider how COVID-19 may impact the cannabis industry, and if cannabis can be part of a toolkit to deal with the pandemic. On Sunday, Governor Kate Brown declared

Cannabis Chefs Cooking Competition Coming To Portland


Do you like food? I know that’s a loaded question, and I don’t mean to intrude... but do you? Cool, me too. Common ground found! Now, do you also enjoy cannabis? Get out, so do I! Final question: Have you ever tried food after consuming cannabis, and/or food prepared with

Los Angeles Expunges 66,000 Cannabis Convictions

Few things are perfect, and that includes the manner in which legalized adult-use cannabis programs have been regulated. While it’s easy and fun to list all the ways regulatory agencies have, and continue, to screw things up, the good parts include increased access to clean, tested cannabis products, abundant tax

Cannabis Now Employs Nearly 250,000

Leafly has released their fourth annual Cannabis Jobs Report, and despite the troubling news of hundreds of recent industry layoffs, cannabis remains a fast track growth industry. The numbers and industry expansion are impressive, but are still just a fraction of what would be possible when cannabis is eventually made legal.

Drones Delivering The Dro Coming To Seattle?

When cannabis was legalized in Washington in 2012, jokes soon followed that it was just a matter of time until Amazon “starts a service to deliver cannabis to your front door via drone.” That hasn’t happened—yet—but recent news indicates it may not be that far off. Last month, Seattle based GRN

Cannabis Superior to OTC Sleep Aids

There's a reason sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture, because after just a few nights of enduring it, many will gladly give up state secrets. About 70 million people in the United States struggle with sleep disorders, the most common being insomnia. (“Can’t insomnia simply be cured by

Portland’s Shadowbox Farms Was Robbed of Cannabis, Carts

Stealing isn't cool. It never has been, and never will be. Be it a candy bar or an election, you shouldn't take things that don't rightfully belong to you. Of course, dear reader, this is something you already know, nor do you need the admonishment that you should not purchase

L.A’s Cannabis Licensing Process for Social Equity Applicants Called Out as Fiasco

A crucial component of any medical or recreational cannabis program should be the concept of “social equity.” Much like the terms “organic,” “natural,” and “social media influencer,” it can be overused and void of any real meaning, but in general, social equity in cannabis is the idea that support and preference

Ban On Flavored Vape Products Stayed by Oregon Court

On October 4 2019, Governor Kate Brown announced plans to implement a temporary six-month ban on flavored vape cartridges, which went into effect two days ago, on October 15. Today, a state appeals court put a halt to that ban. The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) released a statement this afternoon on

Cannabis Stocks Are Getting Smoked

Until recently, there was much ado about investing in the “Green Rush” of cannabis stocks. Those with a stomach for the risks of investing in cannabis saw some returns hit 400 percent or more. But those high returns won’t be happening for many other investors, as 2019 has thus far served

Someone Is Robbing Washington Cannabis Growers

With all the expensive and visually intimidating security equipment and other measures that licensed cannabis producers are required install and maintain, you wouldn't think weed thefts would be a concern. Sun-grown and greenhouse crops are a different story, based on the tens of thousands of square feet they occupy. But indoor?